2.1 billion and counting...


2.1 billion and counting...

2.1 billion and counting...

This message was added Wednesday 24th January 2018

Google favour mobile responsiveness.

Mobile phones are just that – mobile.

Not only can we walk and talk but Smartphones allow us to check train times on the move, take a photo of the perfect plate of food and share it on Instagram, get live updates on news and sport, listen to music, play Candy Crush on the go, translate different languages, Skype friends and family on the other side of the world – the list goes on. We can save time and multitask like a boss.

I am sure we can all think of someone who has a Smartphone.

So, your company has a website – that is great. But is it compatible with Smartphones? It makes sense to have a mobile-friendly website because so many people have a Smartphone. Your website needs to be functional, attractive and take just seconds to load.

Having a mobile-friendly website not only pleases potential customers but also Google, who favour mobile responsiveness. A website is ranked higher if it is optimised and made available for phones.

This is not about jumping on the bandwagon or following trends; having a mobile-friendly website is imperative for any business in 2018.

We can optimise your website so that it is mobile-friendly to the 2.1 billion (and counting!) Smartphone users out there.