Complaints and Escalation Process
If you have any concerns about the services provided by Worldwide Webdesign limited, we have developed a procedure for reporting concerns, and for escalating these concerns if required.
Step One
Please raise your concern informally either by email to, stating your name, the name of your business, relevant domain names, and the reason for your concern. Alternatively, you call the office directly on 01323 739376.
Worldwide Webdesign takes client satisfaction very highly and we`ll do our utmost to make sure these concerns you have, are heard and where possible, adhered to.
Step Two
If you feel that the issue is not resolved adequately afterward, then the next step is to email customer services at, where a more senior manager will read the issue. Again, please state your name, the name of your business, relevant domain names, and the reason for your concern. The relevant manager will endeavor to get back to you within 2 working days.
Step Three
If all else fails, you can write to the directors, via the address shown below.
The Directors (private and confidential)
Worldwide Webdesign Ltd
8 Hyde Gardens
BN21 4PN