Consistency and Simplicity.


Consistency and Simplicity.

Consistency and Simplicity.

This message was added Thursday 1st March 2018

Websites are there not only to provide information but to be enjoyed!

It is not all about looks. But in the business world the way in which your website looks counts. There are certain elements which make a website visually appealing and it is important that your website reflects the company and your services well.

A bad looking website could easily put off a potential customer, as some of the visitors to your site may think that the website does not reflect the business’s credibility. Having an attractive website is more likely to generate a positive impression and it is very likely that your website is the first impression a potential customer receives from your company.

Quality over quantity wins every time and this also applies to graphics and imagery. Instead of having many images, opt for a few good quality pictures that demonstrate your services and business’s nature, as they give visual variety and appeal. Quality photography is especially important for online retailers.

A websites colours should convey the brand or personality of your company and using complementary colours can cleverly create a positive feel to any website.

Other components to consider are videos and sliders, all of which make for an interesting and engaging website.

And lastly, consistency and simplicity are the keys here; it is important to have all the correct details without information overload.

Getting these elements right encourages potential customers to stay on and browse through your website. Websites are there not only to provide information but to be enjoyed!