Who has ever completed a Rubik’s cube? We came across a unique and excellent type of Rubik’s cube recently which had markings to give visually impaired individuals the opportunity to try and solve this cubed confusion. Blind people use common objects in their day to day lives such as telephones and even websites too.
Worldwide Webdesign endeavours to meet our clients’ needs in any way we can and that is why a lot of our sites have been specially designed to make them accessible to blind people who can then use audio and special readers to assist them with their web browsing.
Is your website accessible to all its visitors? If you are unsure of this we can find out for you, so that you can make the necessary changes if you wish.
Or, if you want to get your hands on one of these clever Rubik’s cubes, then they are sold by the amazing, Eastbourne Blind Society whose website has just been launched!