This message was added Friday 3rd November 2023
Is weekly administration getting you down? If you have to sit down for even a few hours a week with your spreadsheets, accounts and a calculator tallying everything up and adding it to your accounts - even if it is your excuse for a bottle of wine - then we can help you - with a booking system! Automated administration with booking systems helps you run your business online, and get prepared for future digital needs.
Building a business is one thing, but it can create many more hours of tedious paper-led tasks. If you spend a lot of time taking calls to book appointments, continuously answering the same old queries, or sitting at a desk entering details, transferring data to calendars and spreadsheets, invoicing and emailing reminders and acknowledgements to clients, or taking payments and banking the money every week, then a booking system will take the pain away and save you a huge amount of TIME.
Your booking system keeps everything - all your data, contacts, details and accounts in one convenient place and handles all your team business, tasks and updates. It can also boost business by enabling customers old and new to get in touch and book appointments 24/7 online, with regular notifications for yourself. You’re in charge at all times, able to log on and edit whatever you need to even from a Smartphone, or tablet, if you are not in the office. It will automate all the regular administration activities, give you updates and keep clear records in one easily accessible online space. It attaches to your website and ensures that you keep in great communication with all your contacts. Advanced booking systems also enable managers to check in and view results and analysis, in real time, in a variety of formats. Booking systems can be designed to match your exact needs, and again, Worldwide Webdesign’s team are here to manage all the difficult tasks and present you with a booking system that is easy and ready to use.
If you want to expand your business then a booking system will enable you to grow without adding to the hours you spend on paperwork. We know, because we’ve designed and used them successfully with many different types of industry. We will sit down with you and discuss what you want to achieve with your booking system. Then we will go ahead and create it, and add a handy plugin to your website, which leads you straight to the power house! With over 20 years in the industry, experience and links with businesses of all types, Worldwide Webdesign are invested in making your company the first choice out of all the others advertising the same services in your field. We would love to help you grow your business, save you money and time, and find more customers, with our professional web design services - and plugin booking systems, that pay for themselves.
If this is something you would be interested in please call us to discuss your options for a website that truly shares your load in today’s digital world.