Quality and Quantity.


Quality and Quantity.

Quality and Quantity.

This message was added Wednesday 22nd November 2017

Marketing strategies are evolving and it is important that your business evolves with it.

We understand that you want to get your business out there and in previous years have probably used popular marketing strategies such as advertisements in newspapers, magazines, the Yellow Pages (way, way back), billboards, sponsorships, flyers and so on.

”If I were to get my name out there by using as many marketing methods as possible, then that’ll gain me the most visibility ... QUANTITY, QUANTITY, QUANTITY “ –  sound familiar?

While it may have worked for your business, can it be agreed that it’s a lot of running around? Surely there’s an easier way?

We hear you.

Marketing strategies are evolving and it’s important that your business evolves with it. Although some of these methods are still widely used, there is one method that is trumping all of the rest.

Yep, you guessed it… the internet.

With 3.77 billion global internet users, multiple platforms to choose from within that and all of this at your fingertips, it’s no wonder that the business world is quickly turning to the internet as it’s number one marketing strategy.

Highly accessible – now this works both ways. No matter where in the world you are, no matter the time of day, you are reachable. Sure, you may not reply instantly but this sure beats someone seeing your ad in the paper and having no other means of contact than to call you, only to find that it is out of office hours. They may call back, may not, and may take their custom to your competitor.  You’ve just lost a customer. Thanks to online contact forms and social media, the office is technically always open and you are always reachable, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It’s inexpensive – thanks to internet monitoring, you can order based on demand and not anticipation of demand.

Among these and the many other benefits of using the internet for marketing, it also allows you to build good, solid relationships with your client; something that is impossible from looking at an ad in the Yellow Pages.

Don’t waste time on marketing via a method that won’t get you the results you want. The internet is a quality marketing strategy that will not let you down.

A quality of strategy will bring you quantity of custom.

Who said you can’t have both?