Before buying a new TV, eating at a restaurant, buying an item of clothing or deciding what hotel to stay at for your holiday, what do you do before clicking ‘confirm payment’?
We check the reviews.
People are more likely to trust what previous customers have to say, more so than the company itself. It’s easy for a business to big themselves up and so it is the reviews, as customers, which are the most reliable source.
As a business owner, a customer’s reviews are a powerful and useful tool. Reviews give you, as a Company Director, insight into how you are meeting your customers’ needs and what they like or even don’t like about your services. If you receive a little criticism about your services, don’t let that discourage you. Instead, take it as an opportunity to build on. Learn about how you can improve your services by responding to the reviews and taking the opportunity to better your company.
Reviews also promote brand awareness and can help with advertising your company. Think of it as free marketing via word of mouth.
Customers want the best service possible and you want your business to be the best it can be. If you think of reviews as a positive means for valuable market research and bridging the gap between you and your customers, then reviews, whether positive or negative, are a win-win.