You get what you pay for.


You get what you pay for.

You get what you pay for.

This message was added Thursday 8th February 2018

When you invest in something, you reap the rewards.

Would you like your Lada gift wrapped?

Not all that long ago in Russia, there were two options. Those were to either walk or buy a Lada. Lada was the best car on the market. It was also the only car on the market. They were not designed to be or look the best; it was a basic model to get you from A to B, in a modest fashion and in a modest time.

WordPress is a little like this. People think it is ‘the best CMS on the market’ and that is because it is just about the only CMS on the market. Like a Lada, it is not the best, nor is it favoured for its impressive performance. It is widely used because it is free and available. For a lot of web design companies, it is the only software they can use to use to service their websites. It is not the fastest, most flexible or easiest for clients to operate and not to mention it is pretty easy to hack into. So, you get what you pay for.

Worldwide Webdesign has been going for 15 years and during this time, we have invested thousands of hours in creating our own content management system. We do not use WordPress nor do we have the drawbacks associated with it. Our own software is flexible, easy to use, fast and most importantly, it allows us to do whatever we want within reason. It is a far better choice for a business website but it is not “on the market”.

Would you rather have a Lada or an Audi?

When you invest in something, you reap the rewards. What is a better investment than your business?

Our prices may not be as high as you think, we provide value for money.